The book Release It! by Michael Nygard (@mtnygard) is essential reading for anyone concerned with the operability of software. "What about the tl;dr version?", you ask. There is no tl;dr version of Release It! - it's all hugely valuable, so if you're serious about software operability, read the whole book.Once you've done that, here are some page numbers for quick reference which relate to software operability:
- p.212 - Multiple NICs and multiple IP addresses
- p.240 - Keeping configuration out of the application and in version control
- p.252 - The importance of human eyeballs on monitoring systems
- p.261 - Recovery-Oriented Computing (and by implication MTTR)
- p.263 - Sensing changes in the application
- p.267 - The importance of data trends
- p.274-281 - Logging, including logging levels, log message formats, and log message semantics
- p.318-322 - The architecture of the organisation, and how this affects operability